Friday, September 2, 2011

All New Website!

Hey Ladies,
The Lantern's Website has been revamped, redesigned and is now more user friendly than EVER! We are still working on transferring our domain name over, so please be patient with us, but in the meantime, you can find the all new and improved Lantern Website

We hope to see you at our BBQ on September 8th! You won't want to miss it!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

New Website and Calendar by September 1st!

Hi ladies! 

We hope your summer was rockin' and you're getting excited to kick off the 2011-12 calendar with us this fall!  We have been working hard this summer on some fresh and exciting things for the military wife community this year and trust us - you will not want to miss out!  We'll be launching a new website by September 1st so please check back then to find out all about our plans for 2011-12.  Until then...mark your calendar for our Fall Kick-Off BBQ & Concert on Thursday, September 8th at 6pm.  Your entire family is invited (including your man if he's home) so make sure to clear the schedule and invite your friends!  See you on September 8th and don't forget to check out our new website on September 1st for all The Lantern details you'll need for this year!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Deeper Still Conference!!

Hey girls!
Hope you're enjoying your summer and haven't melted yet! 
We have TWO extra tickets for the Deeper Still women's conference this weekend and hope you'll consider coming with us!  We're leaving Friday at 11am and will return Saturday night around 8:30.  We have hotel rooms locked in and you don't have to pay for them!  This may be your only opportunity to attend an incredible women's conference for just the cost of the ticket...$80.  If money's too tight to come but you're interested, just send us an e-mail and we'll work something out.  We don't want these tickets to go to waste...especially because the weekend is going to be A M A Z I N G!! 
Have a great week and please don't let this opportunity pass by!
~ The Lantern Team
You, O Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.
Psalm 18:28

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Lantern Summer Events!!

Hi ladies!
We hope you're enjoying the (almost) beginning of summer!  Although we won't be holding our "official" monthly large group gatherings throughout the summer, we will be getting together several times to just hang out and have fun.  Make sure you mark these events on your calendar and get to inviting your friends!
THIS Friday, May 27th @ 4pm - Lydia Walker, a local acoustic/folk singer/songwriter, will be performing at Mugsy's Coffee Shop (across from Gate 3 - 3291-B Ft Campbell Blvd).  She performed at our Fall Kick-Off Party and is super sweet and hugely she's personally invited us to this show!  Don't miss out on some great coffee and incredible music THIS Friday!  You can find out more about Lydia here:
June 1st (and every Wednesday through end of August) @ 9am Walk at Greenway.  We'll get our walk on every Wednesday this summer at 9am at the Greenway.  Feel free to bring kids, dogs, and of course FRIENDS!  A map and directions are attached.
June 10th-11th - Deeper Still Conference.  A group of us will be heading up to the Deeper Still conference in Louisville, KY to experience God through incredible worship and dynamic speakers.  If you're interested in joining us, respond to this e-mail ASAP and we'll get the rest of the details to you.  You can find out more about Deeper Still here:,2223,O%3D2349,00.html.
June 14th (and every Tuesday through July 19th) @ 9:30am - Jonah Bible Study.  If you're looking to learn more about the Lord through a women's Bible study, this is your chance!  This six-week study at First Baptist Church (you don't have to attend FBC to do the study) will be lead by a military wife and is sure to deepen your relationship with God and provide you an opportunity to meet other women.  FREE on-site childcare is available!!  If you're interested in joining this study, respond to this e-mail by June 1st and we'll get the rest of the details to you.
July 12th @ 6:30pm - Paint Night at Swirlz.  If you've never painted at Swirlz Art Studio, this is the perfect opportunity!  We've rented out the studio for the evening and will be painting the Sweetheart Tree (see attached).  Trust us - you don't have to have artistic ability to create something beautiful at Swirlz!  The cost is $35 (includes canvas and all painting supplies) and is due that night.  If you'd like to join us, please respond to this e-mail by July 1st.  You can find out more about Swirlz here:
August 13th - Challenge Course on Ft. Campbell.  We'll be climbing, swinging, zipping, sliding, and laughing our way through the Challenge Course outside Gate 10.  More details to follow.  You can find out more about the Challenge Course here:
September 8th @ 6pm - Fall Kick-Off Family BBQ & Concert.  We'll kick-off our monthly large group gatherings with a family BBQ and concert!  More details to follow :).
We hope that these events provide you with enough opportunity to stay connected this summer and please feel free to share any additional events in the community or on post with us so we can get the word out.  It's our prayer that you stay connected and encouraged all summer long!
Let us know if you have any questions and we look forward to seeing you and your girlfriends this summer!
~ The Lantern Team
p.s.  Sorry if all the colors made you sick...feeling a little inspired by summer ;).
You, O Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.
Psalm 18:28

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Deeper Still Conference

Hi there!
We loved spending time with so many of you on Thursday night.  Thanks for making our last "official" gathering until September full of encouragement and laughter!
We hope you've had time to consider coming to the Deeper Still Conference with us and that you're ready to lock in a seat.  To ensure that we get tickets before they sell out, we're going to purchase them tomorrow at 4pm.  Due to the generosity of a supporter, the tickets are now discounted to $80 (including Saturday's lunch)!  Just a reminder - you won't have to pay for the ticket until the event on June 10th and please let us know if the financial burden is too much and we'll work something out.
Please don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have about the conference or anything else.  Have a great evening and we look forward to hearing from you before 4pm tomorrow!
~ The Lantern Team
You, O Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.
Psalm 18:28

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Lantern THIS Thursday - the last one until September!

Hi there!
We hope you're all doing great and had a wonderful weekend!  If you're a mama, we hope you had an incredible Mother's Day and thanks for all you do and all you sacrifice to mold our future generation.
We will be pausing our "official" monthly large group gatherings for the summer so this Thursday will be our last one until September!  If you haven't been to The Lantern in a while (or ever), then you should definitely come on Thursday to find out about our summer social events and connect with other women before summer starts.  You won't want to miss our last gathering of the spring - they're calling for rain but we'll be partying inside! 
As always, please e-mail with your children's names and ages if you would like to register them for our free, on-site child care. 
Have a blessed week and we can't wait to kick summer off with you on Thursday!
~ The Lantern Team
"You, O Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light."
Psalm 18:28